Hello my fellow script users and makers,
Today I wanted to introduce you all to a new script that I have been working on in my free time over the past few months, this script is MapChange, it provides both players and GM's easy and user friendly access to a set of controls for moving players between maps.
The script comes built in with the ability to mark maps as private so that only the GM can move players to those maps (useful for upcoming campaign pages) and the inverse of that with the ability for maps to be public, which is the default setting. (useful for World Maps and Player Bases).
I have built in some configurable options so that you can change certain behaviors of the script, the first being that you can invert the previously mentioned public/private map behavior so that all maps are private by default and have to be marked as public, another option is to change what the marker used to determine a private map is.
Below I will try to detail a good portion of the information about the script for you but should you need help while in a game you can use the trusty help command to give you a fleshed out interactive help.
Hope you all enjoy
-- TheWhiteWolves
You have now unlocked a powerful ability to whisk yourself around the campaign pages (or other players if you are the GM).
Now for an example, if you are a GM then you will see more options than a player. I have tried to make things player sensitive where possible so you players should only see what commands you only able to run.

Now from here things are very simple, just click on the map you want to move to and woosh away you go, for you GM's there is some additional command that allow you to force a move on another player (Other) or the entire group (All). (this is how you would move a player or the group to a private map).
And as some of you might be wondering there is a section in those pictures I have not said anything about, that would be the Utilities section, these are some extra commands I thought would be useful here so I made and included them.
The first the the Rejoin command, this will take you back to the page that the bookmark is on and rejoin you with the party, for GM's you also have an Other to force another player to rejoin the bookmark.
The last shared command on this page is the Help command, this will load up the interactive help menu for you to learn about the script (more on this later).
And finally you GM's have a special Utility command, this is the Refresh command, this will allow you to re-construct the list of public and private maps to bring in any changes you have made, such as changes to map names, adding new maps or deleting old maps.
That pretty much covers the basic on using the script, there is a more advanced way where you assemble the commands yourself but I would recommend you stick to the menu, I don't think I have left much out of the menu's abilities that you force you to need to make the commands yourself.
The first way is to mark maps as private, to do this you include the marker in the maps name, by default this is [GM] (this is also configurable), so for example, I have a map called Baron Trevis' Keep I would add the marker to this name to make it [GM] Baron Trevis' Keep and this will then add that map to the private list instead of public.
The second way to modify the behaviour is to invert the map markings, for this you set the Inverted Marker option to true, what this will do is place all maps into the private listing by default instead of the public listings, this then requires you to mark a map in the above way to make it public. (this is where changing the marker may be useful).
When you goto the help menu either from the button on the menu or by typing !mc help into the chat and hitting enter, you will be given the below views.

As before I have filtered the help for the players to only show what they are able to do, but even with that the functions are still the same, each command is given a name, description and Info button, clicking this button will take you to a detailed information page about it that will tell you what parameters it accepts, what those parameters want from the caller and the example.

In the above example of the help documentation on the menu command you can see the pieces of information I previously mentioned, but what is also included at the bottom is a navigation bar, using this you can return to the help menu without having to retype the help command and you can also take the shortcut to the next piece of help information, this being the help on the move command. (there is also one for previous when on pages that have documentation before them).
The last piece on the help menu is the General Information section, I have added this section for those who wish to know how to construct an api call to MapChange and how to use it's parameters along with some version information and a section for the credits, detailing the author of the script (me) and those who have helped me make this.
2. On the Script Library Tab, Click the drop down box.
3. From the Maps & Drawings section choose MapChange.

4. Click Add Script.
5. When added, Click on the MapChange Tab in the scripts page and configure the User Customisation Options.
3. Name your script (e.g. MapChange.js) and paste my code into the window.
4. Click Save Script and goto your Campaign.
5. Enjoy!
Today I wanted to introduce you all to a new script that I have been working on in my free time over the past few months, this script is MapChange, it provides both players and GM's easy and user friendly access to a set of controls for moving players between maps.
The script comes built in with the ability to mark maps as private so that only the GM can move players to those maps (useful for upcoming campaign pages) and the inverse of that with the ability for maps to be public, which is the default setting. (useful for World Maps and Player Bases).
I have built in some configurable options so that you can change certain behaviors of the script, the first being that you can invert the previously mentioned public/private map behavior so that all maps are private by default and have to be marked as public, another option is to change what the marker used to determine a private map is.
Below I will try to detail a good portion of the information about the script for you but should you need help while in a game you can use the trusty help command to give you a fleshed out interactive help.
Hope you all enjoy
-- TheWhiteWolves
How to use the Script:
Here is one of the easiest pieces to understand about this script. Type !mc menu into the chat and hit Enter.You have now unlocked a powerful ability to whisk yourself around the campaign pages (or other players if you are the GM).
Now for an example, if you are a GM then you will see more options than a player. I have tried to make things player sensitive where possible so you players should only see what commands you only able to run.
GM View:

Player View:

Now from here things are very simple, just click on the map you want to move to and woosh away you go, for you GM's there is some additional command that allow you to force a move on another player (Other) or the entire group (All). (this is how you would move a player or the group to a private map).
And as some of you might be wondering there is a section in those pictures I have not said anything about, that would be the Utilities section, these are some extra commands I thought would be useful here so I made and included them.
The first the the Rejoin command, this will take you back to the page that the bookmark is on and rejoin you with the party, for GM's you also have an Other to force another player to rejoin the bookmark.
The last shared command on this page is the Help command, this will load up the interactive help menu for you to learn about the script (more on this later).
And finally you GM's have a special Utility command, this is the Refresh command, this will allow you to re-construct the list of public and private maps to bring in any changes you have made, such as changes to map names, adding new maps or deleting old maps.
That pretty much covers the basic on using the script, there is a more advanced way where you assemble the commands yourself but I would recommend you stick to the menu, I don't think I have left much out of the menu's abilities that you force you to need to make the commands yourself.
Configuring Maps:
By default all maps will be made public and available for any user to move to, there is a couple of options I have included in the script to modify this behaviour.The first way is to mark maps as private, to do this you include the marker in the maps name, by default this is [GM] (this is also configurable), so for example, I have a map called Baron Trevis' Keep I would add the marker to this name to make it [GM] Baron Trevis' Keep and this will then add that map to the private list instead of public.
The second way to modify the behaviour is to invert the map markings, for this you set the Inverted Marker option to true, what this will do is place all maps into the private listing by default instead of the public listings, this then requires you to mark a map in the above way to make it public. (this is where changing the marker may be useful).
The Help Menu:
I have tried to make this menu as friendly as possible, with an interactive design that allows you to chose what to look at for more information and even example versions of the commands that has a button to launch it and show you what it does.When you goto the help menu either from the button on the menu or by typing !mc help into the chat and hitting enter, you will be given the below views.
GM View:

Player View:

As before I have filtered the help for the players to only show what they are able to do, but even with that the functions are still the same, each command is given a name, description and Info button, clicking this button will take you to a detailed information page about it that will tell you what parameters it accepts, what those parameters want from the caller and the example.
Menu Help:

In the above example of the help documentation on the menu command you can see the pieces of information I previously mentioned, but what is also included at the bottom is a navigation bar, using this you can return to the help menu without having to retype the help command and you can also take the shortcut to the next piece of help information, this being the help on the move command. (there is also one for previous when on pages that have documentation before them).
The last piece on the help menu is the General Information section, I have added this section for those who wish to know how to construct an api call to MapChange and how to use it's parameters along with some version information and a section for the credits, detailing the author of the script (me) and those who have helped me make this.
Installing the Script:
One-Click Install:
1. Goto the API Script section of your campaign.2. On the Script Library Tab, Click the drop down box.
3. From the Maps & Drawings section choose MapChange.

4. Click Add Script.
5. When added, Click on the MapChange Tab in the scripts page and configure the User Customisation Options.
Manual Install:
1. Goto my GitHub page and get the code - https://github.com/TheWhiteWolves/MapChange/blob/master/MapChange.js- Bare in mind this will be the absolute latest version of my code until the API One-Click Install is ready (may contains bugs)
3. Name your script (e.g. MapChange.js) and paste my code into the window.
4. Click Save Script and goto your Campaign.
5. Enjoy!
v1.3:- Added RejoinAll command (Requested by Havoc)
- Added ability to make maps hidden (default marker [Hide]), this will give then a separate section in the menu like the archived maps.
- Fix Global Config issues for One-Click install (this should finally work).
- Added help entry on Configuring Maps.
- Added handling of archived maps. (they now have their own section with a placeholder button on the menu)
- Added ability to block players from using commands.
- Fix for when Array.prototype is extended causing invalid values in the key of a for in loop.
- Release
- Hot Fix - Correct crash on startup on new campaigns.